SSLI 3-year High School Curriculum Management and US University Admission Consulting

SSLI 3-year High School Curriculum Management and US University Admission Consulting Target (대상) : 예비 9-12학년 Three-year academic management includes (3년 학사관리 포함 내용) : 1) Individually tailored course selection and grade management counseling for each semester학기별 개별 맞춤 과목선정 및 성적관리 카운셀링2) Select target university and academic management requested by the university목표대학 선정 및 […]
2020-2021 Winter SSLI GE Academic Reading and Writing

2020-2021 Winter SSLI GE Academic Reading and Writing Overview (수업개요) : * 본원 Academic Reading and Writing수업은 방학마다 해외 교포 및 유학생이 필수로 수강하고 가는 수업입니다. Our Academic Reading and Writing courses are a course that foreign students and international school students must attend every vacation. * 국제학교는 물론 국내학교 재학생에게도 필수 과목이며 SSLI 본원 최정예 […]
2020-2021 Winter SAT Intensives

2020-2021 Winter SAT Intensives Overview (수업개요) 입학시험 수업은 직접 시험을 통해 유명 대학에 입학한 사람에게 배우는 것이 필수이며 대표강사 및 프로그램 운영자의 지도력이 중요합니다.– It is essential for the entrance exam to be taught to those who have entered famous universities, and the leadership of the lecturers and the program operators is important. SSLI SAT […]