SSLI Notice
SSLI 분당 2023~2024 겨울 Academic Reading and Writing & Pre-SAT
2023-07-25 00:14
2023~2024 Winter SSLI GE Academic Reading and Writing & Pre-SAT
아카데믹 리딩 및 라이팅 & Pre-SAT
Overview (수업개요):
* 본원 Academic Reading and Writing수업은 방학마다 해외 교포 및 유학생이 필수로 수강하고 가는 수업입니다.
Our Academic Reading and Writing courses are a course that foreign students and international school students must attend every vacation.
*국제학교는 물론 국내학교 재학생에게도 필수 과목이며 SSLI 본원 최정예 강사진으로 진행하는 프로그램입니다.
It is an essential course for international students as well as domestic students, and it is a program conducted by SSLI’s very best instructors.
* 학생들의 분석 독해 능력 및 읽고 분석하고 쓰는 에세이 스킬을 최대한 올려줄 수 있는 프로그램입니다.
It is a program that allows students to maximize their analytical skills in reading, analyzing and writing essay skills.
* Short Story 리딩 및 Article 리딩과 함께 Critical Writing, Persuasive Writing 포함 다양한 장르의 영작문을 마스터하는 코스입니다.
Short Story Reading, Article Reading, Critical Writing, and Persuasive Writing.
* Pre-SAT 준비과정으로 또는 학교 GPA관리에 도움이 되는 수업입니다.
This is a class to help you prepare for SAT and to manage your GPA.
Term (기간):
Winter Session | 12월 22일(금) ~ 1월 12일(금) (3주 주5회 월~금) Academic Reading + Academic Writing + Literature & Article Discussion and Presentation + Pre-SAT |
*2주 등록 가능
Target Grade (수강대상):
7th Grade ~ 9th Grade Magna Cum Laude (Class content consists of grades 9-10 or higher)
예비 7-9 학년 (수업 컨텐츠는 9~10학년 이상으로 구성됨)
*미국 및 영국 중고등학교, 국제학교, 외고, 자사고 입학예정인 학생
* Preliminary 10th graders who are expected to enter international school, foreign high school, and elite high school.
*배치고사 진행 후 반 배정
*SSLI Placement test is required before assigning a class.
Courses (진행내용):
- Short Stories, Non-Fiction Reading, Literature, Article Reading
- Academic Writing
- Essential Vocabulary for Academic Reading and Writing
- Essential Grammar
- Novel + Article Reading & Discussion, Presentation
Summarization, Analysis, Argumentation, Description, Exposition, Research, Narration
- SAT Fundamentals for Pre-SAT Class
Novels and Text Books (교재):
* 수업 교재는 수업 첫 날 등록된 수강생에게만 배포합니다.
The course materials will be distributed only to the registered students on the first day of class.
* 리스트는 사전에 통보 후 변경될 수도 있습니다.
Subject to change
Lecture Hours (Pre-SAT 수업시간) * SSLI 분당:
09:00 – 09:30 | Review Exercise (Vocab Test) |
09:30 – 11:30 | Lecture 1 |
11:30 – 11:40 | 10 min Official Break |
11:40 – 13:40 | Lecture 2 |
13:40 – 14:00 | Vocab Re-Test (Those who failed the Vocab Test) |
Class features (수업특징) :
- This course is designed to improve overall academic skills and thinking skills in order to succeed in school.
- Students’ vocabulary range should be expanded weekly for writing, and if the student does not pass the vocabulary test, the student must remain, and the Re-Test will be conducted.
- 6-16 students in each session.
- Since the tuition is non-refundable, please consider carefully before registering.
- This class has characteristics of pre-SAT and is strategically prepared to maximize the academic activities of the school.
SSLI 분당 Tuition (수강료):
1 Session: 3주 = 2,400,000원
*세션별 도서인쇄비 및 원본교재비 별도
(KRW 2,400,000원 + Printing costs and textbook fees are not included)
교육비/수강료 입금계좌 :
신한은행 110-376-856024
예금주 : 에스에스엘아이 어학원 (윤상아)
* 본원은 현금 영수증 발행 의무 기관입니다.
SSLI Bundang Education fee / tuition deposit account:
ShinHan Bank: 110-376-856024
Account holder: SSLI
*SSLI is a cash receipt issuance agency.
교재비 (SSLI 분당):
수강료 외 도서인쇄비 추가 발생합니다
세션별 도서인쇄비, 원본교재비, 단어테스트 비용 21만원 (printing costs + textbooks, Test fees: KRW 210,000)
도서인쇄비/교재비 입금계좌 :
신한은행 110-495-845190
예금주 : 에스에스 컨설팅 (윤상아)
*에스에스컨설팅은 현금 영수증 발행 의무 기관입니다.
Textbook fee deposit account : ShinHan Bank: 110-495-845190
Account holder: SS Consulting