Test Prep Instructors

Scott Shin

Scott Shin

Northfield Mount Hermon School, USA

Chapel Hill-Chauncy Hall School, USA

Harvard University, BS/BA in Economics Candidate, USA

Boston University, Bachelor of Science in Management Studies, USA

Boston University, Master of Science in Administrative Studies, USA

Harvard University IPESL, USA

Harvard University, Master of Liberal Arts in the field of Finance Candidate, USA

Korea University, School of Management Full Time Instructor (Business English, Multinational Finance)

Institute for Business Research and Education, Director of Research

The Princeton Review GMAT, SAT, SSAT, TOEFL Head Teacher, USA

Korea Institute for International Economic Policy, International Macroeconomics & Finance Dept, Senior Research Fellow

Korea First Microwave (KOSDAQ), Korea First Telecom, C&S Micro (KOSDAQ), Overseas Managing Director

LionBridge International (Nasdaq: LIOX)

Google Assessor/Consultant

Private Tutor Registration (Registered #2179 Seongnam Office of Education)

JTT English Instructor License (August 21, 1998 Reg#18T-039)

A Member of Harvard Club (Boston)

A Member of NACAC (National Association for College Admission Counseling)

Benjamin Long

Benjamin Long


B.S. (Int.) Yale University, New Haven, CT
• Bachelor of Science (Intensive) in Chemistry, May 2012
• Graduated with Distinction in the Major

M.D. University of Michigan Medical School, Ann Arbor, MI
• Doctorate of Medicine, May 2018

Residency Southern Illinois University, Springfield, IL
• Resident Physician, Diagnostic Radiology (June 2018 – June 2023)

Fellowship Duke University, Durham, NC
• Abdominal Imaging Fellowship (June 2023 - June 2024)


SAT Instructor, SSLI Academy, Seoul, South Korea (Dec 2013 – Current)
• Taught SAT Writing and Math Sections
• Taught Chemistry, Biology, & Physics to middle and high school students
• College Application Advising

Admission Ambassador, Yale College Admissions Office

David Choe

David Choe

MBA in International Business, Strategy, Marketing, & Finance, January 2008 – June 2010

Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, September 1997 – August 2001

- GMAT: 760(99th percentile)
- MENSA, Member

Stella Honey Yoon

Stella Honey Yoon

Amherst College Amherst, Massachusetts (2010-2014)

Korean Minjok Leadership Academy 민사고 (2007-2010)

Cumulative GPA: 3.86 / 4.0 ; SAT I: 2380 (Reading: 800, Writing: 780, Math: 800)

SAT I Cumulative Score: 2380 (CR: 800, M:800, W: 780)

SAT II Subject Test Scores: US History (750), Literature (750), Maths II (790)

AP US History(5), English Language(5), Calculus BC(5), Macroeconomics (5), English Literature (5), Psychology (5), Microeconomics (5), TOEFL iBT Score: 119

Patrick Samuel Compton

Patrick Samuel Compton

University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2011, B.A in History

Korea University, Master of Art in International Studies

GRE 86 Verbal, ACT 35

Hyun Ji Lim (May Lim)

Hyun Ji Lim (May Lim)

McGill University (Full Scholarship), SAT 2310, SAT II Math 800, SAT II Literature 710

University of Toronto, Master of Science. Sustainability Management

Youngmin Jang - SS Consulting Boston/Cambridge

Youngmin Jang - SS Consulting Boston/Cambridge


Masters in Public Administration
Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea
Yonsei University, Seoul, Korea


Economist, Korea Institute for International Economic Policy

Jae Sun Han

Jae Sun Han

University of California, Berkeley B.S in Microbial Biology

ACT 35, SAT 2310 (Math 800)

AP Biology 5, AP Cal AB 5, AP Cal BC 5, AP US History 5, AP European History 5

IB HL Math 6, IB HL English 7, IB SL History 7, IB HL Biology 7, IB HL French 6, IB SL Music 7, Extended Essay (4000 words) A 34/36

Joo Yeon Han

Joo Yeon Han

Brown University, BA in Economics (Magna Cum Laude), TOEFL 120점, SAT 2290, LSAT 173,

Harvard University Law School

Yoo Min Lee

Yoo Min Lee

Cooper Union for the Advancement of Science and Arts (Full Scholarship)

Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, SAT 2310

Jin Young Byun

Jin Young Byun

Wellesley College, Wellesley, MA 2010-2014
B.A. in Theatre Studies

Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, SAT 2330, French DALF C1

Christopher Jang Song

Christopher Jang Song

Cornell University 2010 - 2014

Biology Major, Business Minor GPA 3.85


Michigan Medical School

Taewan Ha

Taewan Ha

University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

Master of Philosophy in Economics

University of Virginia, BA in Economics, Minor in Mathmatics

AP 12개 과목 5점 만점, Mensa membership with Top 1% (over 156 IQ)

Stephen Traina-Dorge

Stephen Traina-Dorge

Boston College (Chestnut Hill, MA, USA), Sociology Major GPA 3.85
Saint Paul's High School, GPA 4.11 (Rank 12/162)

*Coca Cola Regional Scholar (one of 250 scholarship recipients over 80,000 appicants in US)

Jonathan Darek Cho

Jonathan Darek Cho

Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts 2004 - 2008

AB with Honors in Social Studies, GPA: 3.3

Paula Kim

Paula Kim

Washington University in St. Louis, St. Louis, Missouri Graduated: May 2016 Bachelor of Science in Business Administration
• Major in Finance and Mathematics, Minor in International Business
• SAT (New SAT Reading 800)

Goldman Sachs Asset Management Jul 2016 – Feb 2021 Sales Management, Associate Chicago, IL / Salt Lake City, UT

Neil Scheihing

Neil Scheihing

Georgetown University, Washington, DC 2009

JD (법학박사)

SAT Verbal 800, LSAT 171, AP European History 5, AP English 5

Daisy Jumi Park

Daisy Jumi Park

Registered Pharmacist

California Board of Pharmacy, Issue Date: Aug 24, 2015

Western University of Health Sciences Aug 2011 - May 2015, Pomona, CA

Doctor of Pharmacy (Pham D) GPA 3.96, Rank 2

U.C. Berkeley, Aug 2007 - May 2009, Berkeley, CA

College of Chemistry, B.S. in Chemical Biology

Jim Hwang

Jim Hwang

Master of Education specializing in Administration, Planning, and Social Policy Sept.2002­June 2003
Bachelor of Science in Commerce with a concentration in Management & Marketing Aug.1995­May 1999

Assistant Professor (College of Humanities and Liberal Arts)

Assistant Professor

Amy Lee (Hyun Jung Lee)

Amy Lee (Hyun Jung Lee)

Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies, HanYang University 정책학, TOEFL 117, 프랑스어 DALF-C1, TOEIC 980,

Korea University Law School

Cassie Kim

Cassie Kim

Langley Fine Arts School, Seoul National University, Bachelor of Fine Arts in Design and Bachelor of Science in Environmental Management.

Delft University of Technology
MSc Master of Architecture

TOEFL PBT 667, TOEFL iBT 118, TEPS 945, TOEIC 990, 연대 UIC 우선선발, 고대 국제학부 합격, 이대 국제학부 합격

Sun Min Kim

Sun Min Kim

Langley Fine Arts School, Yonsei University, TOEFL 119, SAT 2330

Duke University Law School 졸업
*Cornell University Law School, NYU Law School 합격

Current New York State Attorney

Sally Park

Sally Park

Korea University 국제학부, TOEFL 120

Samuel Seung Sup Lee (Max Lee)

Samuel Seung Sup Lee (Max Lee)

TOEFL iBT TOEFL 120점 만점, TOEIC 990, TEPS 978
Seoul National University(Mechanical Engineering, Electrical Engineering, Computer Science) Triple Majors

Sang Soo Lee

Sang Soo Lee

New York University 경제학 전공,

Choate Rosemary Hall,

공군통역장교 128기 국방어학원 (KDLI), SAT Math, Math IIc 800, LSAT 166

D.J. (DaeJin) Jeong

D.J. (DaeJin) Jeong

The Wharton School of University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, USA.

GPA 3.96/4.00, Bachelor of Science in Economics, Concentration in Business Analytics

Ji Yoon (Kelly) Lee

Ji Yoon (Kelly) Lee

- Aug 2020-May 2023
• Master of Architecture candidate 2023 // Master of Architecture Program Scholarship recipient

- Aug 2017-May 2020
• Bachelor of Arts, Architecture // leave of absence from Aug 2018 to May 2019

CORNELL UNIVERSITY, College of Arts & Sciences
- (Ithaca, New York) Aug 2015-May 2017
• Prospective Bachelor of Arts, Psychology

Juwon Lee

Juwon Lee

Chung-ang University College of Pharmacy (2021-)

Yonsei University UIC Life Science and Biotechnology (2018-2020)

GPA 4.04/4.3 Scholarship recipient, TEPS 577

SAT 1570 (M:800 V:770) SATII Math II 800, Physics 800, Biology E 790

AP Biology 5, Chemistry 5, Physics2 5, Calculus AB 5, Macroeconomics 5

Seyeon An

Seyeon An

Seoul National University 서울대학교 2019/3 - Dual Degree (B.A. in French and B.B.A. in Business Administration)
Hankuk Academy of Foreign Studies 용인외대부고 2016-2019/2 - 국제반 (International Course) 졸업
서연고서성성, Cambridge Univ., Warwick, Durham, HKU 우선선발 with 전액장학금, HKUST 등 합격

SAT First Try 1550 (Math 800/ Verbal 750)
TOEFL 117, OPIC AL, IELTS Prize, merit-based scholarship winner (2nd Place in ROK)
SAT II Math2C 800, AP Microeconomics 5, Macroeconomics 5, Calculus BC 5, Calculus AB(subscore)5, English Language and Composition 5, Statistics 5, Comparative Government and Politics 5

First Place in 29th SNU Data Mining Camp
Second Place in HAFS Data Mining Olympiad
Best Delegate in Harvard Model Congress, Yonsei Model United Nations and others / Trilateral Youth Summit ROK Representative, President in Seoul Model UN

Judy Jeong

Judy Jeong

※ EDUCATION____________________________
Bachelor of Science in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering
GPA 3.91 (Deans List)
Graduated with Departmental and General Honors

GPA 4.23 | SAT 1550
Commended Student for the National Merit Scholarship
National AP Scholar, AP Scholar with Distinction, AP Scholar with Honor

Robyn Kweon

Robyn Kweon

University of Pennsylvania 2022 - B.A. in Biology with Honors, Fine Arts
summa cum laude - 3.99/4.00

Korea International School Pangyo 2016
4.00 Unweighted

Delta Chapter of Phi Kappa Beta Honor Society
National Merit Scholar
AP Scholar with Distinction
Perfect Score in AP Studio Art: Drawing Portfolio
National Cancer/Cell Biology Seminfinalist, Siemens Competition
SAT 2390 Reading 800 Writing 790 Math 800

  • 본원 강사는 SSLI 규정을 준수하며 본원의 교재커리큘럼 및 대외비 자료를 유출하는 경우 민형사적 처벌을 피할 수 없음을 인지하며 비밀유지 계약서에 전원 서명하였습니다.  만약 유출경로를 파악하여 동종업계 또는 교육기관과의 연계활동이 발각된다면 형사고발 및 손해배상 소송은 반드시 진행합니다.  관련 교육기관은 반드시 교육서비스업 시장에서 퇴출 시킵니다.

    * SSLI Instructor complies with the SSLI rules and regulations and recognizes that civil and criminal penalties cannot be avoided if the materials, curriculum and confidential materials are leaked.  If you are identified with the spill route and the link with relevant industry or educational institution, criminal charges and damages lawsuits will proceed.  The charged educational institutions must be removed from the educational service sector.

  • 타 교육기관이 본원 강사를 영입하여 수업을 진행하더라도 본원 수업과는 절대 동일 할 수 없음을 안내 드립니다.  본원 강사들은 SSLI 수업계획표와 본원 교재 및 전략 그리고 본원의 강사지침서 (Teacher’s Guide) 그대로 매분 매시간 수업을 진행합니다. 프로그램의 유출 방지 그리고 효율성 및 효용성을 위하여 본원 수업은 강사마다 수업을 영역별로 분할 배분하여 진행 중 입니다. 
    * Even if another educational institution recruits SSLI Instructor, it cannot be the same as the SSLI class.  Our instructors teach every hour and every minute of the lesson under the guidance of SSLI Teacher’s Guide. In order to prevent the leakage of the program and to ensure efficiency and effectiveness, the class is divided into class contents for each instructor.

2011-2025 SSLI 대학교 합격 실적

Matriculations 2011-2025